PIC Projects based on flash pic microcontrollers.
PIC Flash microcontrollers can be re-programmed up to 100,000 times so if you re-programmed a part 10 times a day it would take you 27 years before it wore out! So don't worry about re-programming you can re-program them as much as you want.
Projects on this site mainly use the following devices:
- PIC12F675 - 8pin.
- PIC16F88 - 18 pin.
- 16f84A 18pin.
- PIC16F877A - 40/28 pin.
- PIC18f452 - 40 pin.
These devices let you use an ICSP programmer in circuit to test your projects out and once set up you don't need to remove the programmer during testing. This makes it easy to change the code and you won't need to fiddle about transferring microcontrollers from sockets to project board.
Individual pic projects jump table
DS1821 Thermostat Programmer